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March 10, 2021

Music from the Augmented Instruments Laboratory

We invite you to enjoy a marvelous livestream featuring musical works from special guests and lab members! An exciting concert that might cheer up social distancing through the performance of inspiring A/V compositions, terrific new instruments and algorithmic sound designs.

Save the date: 10 March 2021, 6:00PM (GMT) - Augmented Instruments Lab YouTube channel

With guests:

Augmented Instruments Lab Members:
  • Nicole Robson - Halldorophone

  • Andrea Guidi & Giacomo Lepri - UVTOWER

  • Giacomo Lepri - Melotronica

  • Julia Set - A/V performance

  • Fabio Morreale - Algorithmic sound design

  • Laurel S. Pardue & Jack Armitage - Live coded svampolin

Concert curated by Lia Mice

Poster by Francis Devine