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April 26, 2018

Augmented Instruments Laboratory Concert

We are happy to invite you to a concert by the Augmented Instruments Lab on the evening on Friday 11 May! It will be held at Iklectik (London) and will feature performances and instruments by lab members and by guests Xenia Pestova and D. Andrew Stewart.

Hope you can make it!

Full details here – full program here

Below the artists involved in the evening:

D. Andrew Stewart

“Ritual for Karlax” - karlax gestural controller

Xenia Pestova

“Glowing Radioactive Elements” - magnetic resonator piano

Giacomo Lepri

clarinet with live electronics

Laurel S Pardue and Jack Armitage

augmented violin and live coding

Lia Mice

SHIMI spiral hanging inharmonic metal instrument

Jack Armitage

“Language Embodiment ¿?” - audio-visual live coding, software and piece conceived by Esteban Betancur

Kurijn Buys

multidimensionally controlled electronics